joi, 18 decembrie 2008

Let it snow...

Let there be snow

In your mind,

Dropping deep in your thoughts,

Growing soft in your dreams,

In the back of your eyes,

On your pupils,

Laying heavily on your eyelashes.

Let there be snow,

High on the table in front of you,

Wetting the chairs on the sides,

Icing the glass you drink your tee from,

Filling the walls of your room.

Let there be snow,

On the people you know,

On every one you meet from now on,

On every tree you pass on the street that stretches in front of you,

Squashed beneath your shoes,

Soft tears of a crying Mother

Dancing beautifully in the wind.

Let there be snow

On the houses around your house,

In the park you walk your dog every evening,

In the city that swallows you with every breath.

Covering the world that gives you dreams,

Crushing the thoughts of your freedom,

Denying the eye in your mind.

Let it snow!